A jQuery Mobile SelectorImage plugin

I implemented a jQueryMobile plugin to enhance a <select> element with a clickable image map. A full article with examples is available on on my site

A simple, JavaScript only implementation of an clickable image map.

In this age of html5 it is of course not done to use clickable image maps :-) Yet I did want to enhance <select> elements with clickable images to allow for a visual alternative for a drop down list without the hard to maintain imagemaps of old. I therefore implemented a jQueryMobile plugin that takes two maps (these are specified with data- attributes): one to display to the user and one to act as a definition of hotspots. These hotspots are simply colored areas in the hotspot map (instead of polygon definitions in an image map), When the user clicks the image the corresponding location is checked in the hotspot map and the color found is looked up in the list of <option> elements. If there is a match, that option is selected. A working example can be found here. A full explanation, including a small list of known problems can be found here.

Implementing a HTTPS server in Python

Web applications often transfer sensitive data between client and server. Even a session id is not something that should be vulnerable to eavesdropping. It is therefore a very good idea to encrypt all communication and implement a HTTPS server.

Subclassing HTTPServer

Python's ssl module has been cleaned up quite a bit since version 3.x and with a little help from this recipe it was incredibly simple to adapt the HTTPServer class from the http.server module to accept only secure connections:

import ssl
import socket
from socketserver import BaseServer
from http.server import HTTPServer
class HTTPSServer(HTTPServer):
 def __init__(self,address,handler):
  self.socket = ssl.SSLSocket(

All we do basically is change the initialization code to create a secure socket instead of a regular one (in line 10). The things to watch out for is the ssl_version: older versions are considered unsafe so we use TLS 1.0 here. Also the certificate file we use here contains both our certificate and our private key. If you want to use a self signed certificate for testing purposes you could generate one with openssl (most UNIX-like operating systems offer binary packages, for a precompiled package for windows check the faq.)

openssl req -new -x509 -keyout test.pem -out test.pem -days 365 -nodes

Note that your browser will still complain about this certificate because it is self signed.

Managing a session id with cookies

When managing sessions in web applications the key to the castle is a sessionid. Most often this sessionid is passed to and from the client by means of a cookie. In this article we explore the tools available in Python to deal with cookies.

Reading and writing cookies

If we are extending the BaseHTTPRequestHandler class from Python's http.server module we have access to the request headers by means of the headers attribute. It provides a convient method get_all() to retrieve headers by name (line 12 in the code sample below):

from http.cookies import SimpleCookie as cookie
class ApplicationRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
 sessioncookies = {}

 def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
  self.sessionidmorsel = None
 def _session_cookie(self,forcenew=False):
  cookiestring = "\n".join(self.headers.get_all('Cookie',failobj=[]))
  c = cookie()
   if forcenew or self.sessioncookies[c['session_id'].value]-time() > 3600:
    raise ValueError('new cookie needed')
  for m in c:
   if m=='session_id':
    self.sessioncookies[c[m].value] = time()
    c[m]["httponly"] = True
    c[m]["max-age"] = 3600
    c[m]["expires"] = self.date_time_string(time()+3600)
    self.sessionidmorsel = c[m]

The way we call get_all() provides us with an empty list if there are no cookies in the headers. Either way we end up with a (possibly empty) string that contains the cookies the client sent us. This cookie (or cookies) can be converted to a SimpleCookie object from Python's http.cookie module (line 14).

Cookies are basically key/value pairs with some extra attributes. The whole ensemble is called a morsel. The SimpleCookie object acts as a dictionary that indexes those morsels by key. The whole excersize is aimed at maintaining a session id so we check if our cookie object holds a session_id morsel and use its value (a GUID) as an index into the sessioncookies class variable. This class variabele maintains a dictionary indexed by the GUIDs of the session id cookies we produced. The corresponding values are their timestamps. Line 17 will therefore raise an exception if

  • no session_id cookie was provided by the client,
  • the session_id is unknown to us,
  • the session_id is expired, i.e. older than one hour, or
  • when we explicitely indicated we want a new cookie, no matter what.
In those cases we generate a complete new, random, GUID and store its hexadecimal representation.

At this point we are guaranteed to have a SimpleCookie object that contains a session_id. Our final tasks are to store the timestamp of this cookie and to update or set some additional attributes on this morsel. The client might have sent more than one cookie so we iterate over all morsel and stop at the first session_id morsel we find. We set its httponly attribute to signal to the browset that this cookie should not be manipulated by any client side JavaScript and set both its expires attribute and its max-age before we store this specific morsel in an instance variabele. This way we can add this cookie to the response headers one we have processed the request. An outline is sketched in the snipper below:

 def do_GET(self):
  if not (self.sessionidmorsel is None):

Security considerations

At this point we have a tool to manage a session id. Such a session id can be used as a key to access other session information, a topic we cover in a later article. Before we even start thinking of using this we should consider the security issues.

Pythonsecurity.org has a handy checklist that will walk through:

Are session IDs exposed in the URL?
No, we use cookies and those are part of the HTTP headers.
Do session IDs timeout and can users log out?
Our session IDs certainly timeout but providing a log out option should be part of the web application.
When a user logs out or times out, is the session invalidated?
At this point we only dealing with session ids.
Are session IDs rotated after successful login?
That is why we provide the forcenew paramter. After a successful login the web application should call _session_cookie() again with forcenew=True
Are session IDs only sent over TLS/SSL?
That should be implemented in the HTTP server, here we only look at the request handling part.
Are session IDs completely randomly generated?
We use a variant 4 uuid from Python's uuid module which should be completely random. The documentation makes no claims about the quality of the random generator used but a quick look at the code of the uuid module (in Python 3.2) reveals that is uses either system provided functions or the built-in random() function. In other words, we don't know what we get and that is bad! It is probably better use os.urandom() directly which will raise a NotImplentedError if a source of randomness couldn't be found. Generating a a string of 32 hex digits might be done as follows: "%02x"*16%tuple(os.urandom(16))

A jQuery Mobile Address plugin

While playing around with jQuery Mobile and wondering about the support for the new HTML5 input types I realized there wasn't an address extension that was just as easy to use a date picker was for dates. So I wrote an address plug-in.

Adding Google Maps to an input element

The idea is very simple: addresses are text just like an e-mail address or an url. HTML5 makes it possible to identify this a input element types and jQuery Mobile acts on these types as well to display custom widgets for these elements.

I wanted an address type: an input element with that type would allow the user to enter an address or a click on it would open an interactive map. Clicking on a location in that map would fill in the address under the cursor. Writing such a plug-in was a fine exercise in both jQuery Mobile and the Google Maps API and the first results are documented on my website as part of the Erica Web Application framework.

Erica web application framework

I started developing and writing about a new Python web application framework in Python to aid people in understanding concepts in web application development.

Erica web application framework

The framework is named after one of our cutest pygmy goats, Erica, which is of course completely irrelevant :-). More important is that the first article outlining the goals, is already on-line on my website. The articles will build and extend on blog entries made in this blog. The idea is that the website will develop into a small but comprehensive tutorial on implementing a framework while this blog will be the place to watch for updates and place your comments.